Trogons of Brazil
The trogon birds are of great beauty, as they present a rich and colorful plumage with a color combination of great rarity.
They are mid-sized birds that live in forested areas, where they feed on caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders and small insects that get in the foliage, making a straight flight. Also feed on fruit that picks up in the forest as coconuts and fruits of imbaúba.
They nest in holes they make in arboreal termite nests, mainly.
Also in this family are the famous quetzal, birds of extreme beauty of its long tail and living in Central America.
In Brazil we have the ‘Surucua Peacock “in the same genre quetzal, but lower tail. As for the genus trogon, we have in Brazil and 9 species or sub-species variation.
Surucuás que ocorrem no Brasil/ Trogons of Brazil:
- Pharomacrus pavoninus; Surucuá-pavão;Pavonine Quetzal
- Trogon melanurus; Surucuá-de-cauda-preta;Black-tailed Trogon
- Trogon viridis; Surucuá-de-barriga-dourada; White-tailed Trogon (Trogon viridis-SOUND – VIDEO)
- Trogon collaris;Surucuá-de-coleira;Collared Trogon
- Trogon personatus;Surucuá-mascarado; Masked Trogon
- Trogon rufus;Surucuá-de-barriga-amarela;Black-throated Trogon (Trogon rufus VIDEO)
- Trogon surrucura;Surucuá-variado;Surucua Trogon (Trogon surrucura-SOUND)
- Trogon surrucura aurantius; Surucuá-de-barriga-laranja; Surucua Trogon (Trogon s. aurantius-SOUND – VIDEO)
- Trogon curucui; Surucuá-de-coroa-azul;Blue-crowned Trogon (T.curucui – SOUND)
Bibliografia consultada/ consulted bibliography:
DUNNING, JOHN S. 1987. South American Birds. A Photographic Aid to Identification. Harrowood Books.
HOWARD, RICHARD and MOORE, ALICE. 1991. A complete checklist of the birds of the world. Academic Press.
PINTO, O. M. O.1938.Catálogo das Aves do Brasil; 1ª parte (separata da Rev. Mus.Paulista, tomo XXII: XVIII + 566 pp.).
PINTO, O. M. O.1950. Da classificação e nomenclatura dos surucuás brasileiros (Trogonidae). Papéis Avulsos Zool. S. Paulo 9: 89-136.
PINTO, O. M. O.1951.Aves do Itatiaia. Lista Remissiva e novas achegas à avifauna da região. Papéis . Av. Zool. São Paulo10 (9):155-208.
SCHAUENSEE, RODOLPHE MEYER DE.1970.A guide to the birds of South America. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philalphia.
SCHAUENSEE, RODOLPHE MEYER DE and PHELPS JR, WILLAM H.1978.Birds of Venezuela. Princeton University Press.
SICK, HELMUT. Ornitologia Brasileira. 1997.Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira,.
SOUZA, DEODATO. 1998. Todas as aves do Brasil- guia de campo para identificação. Bahia: Dall.
Antonio Silveira: última atualização/ last update: 10-7-2014.