Paddling in the Bichoro river

AS-EC-7-RBichoro-MongaguaSP-23-3-17-ASilveira RioBichoro2-MongaguaSP-23-3-17-ASilveira

On March 23, 2017 we were (Antonio Silveira and Eduardo CF) paddling in the Bichoro River, Mongagua, Sao Paulo state, Brazil.

The Bichoró river is in a wetland, little explored touristy.

This river is very beautiful and of clear water and crosses a very wild area of the Atlantic Rain Forest.  by Antonio Silveira.


photos and videos by Antonio Silveira.





Thanks to Eduardo CF for the company in this field work of investigation of the local fauna and flora.

AS-EC-3-RBichoro-MongaguaSP-23-3-17-ASilveira AS-EC-1-RBichoro-MongaguaSP-23-3-17-ASilveira



De caiaque pelo Rio Bichoró Mongaguá SP BR 23 3 17 Antonio Silveira

Kayaking the Bichoro River Mongagua SP Brazil 23 3 17 Antonio Silveira

Paddling in the Bichoro river MonaguaSP-Brazil 23 3 17 Antonio Silveira


Antonio Silveira: 24-3-2017.

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