Bibliografia – Costa Rica
– BLAKE, Beatrice. Aquí en Costa Rica. San José: Publicaciones en inglés, 1992.
– BOZA, Mario A. Parques Nacionales COSTA RICA– Guías Periplo.Madrid: Incafo, 1992.
– HAYES, Marc & LAVAL, Richard. The mammals of Monteverde. Monteverde: Tropical Science Center, 1989.
– LAW, Bob W. & TIMMERMAN, Walter W. Guia del sendero nuboso. San José: Centro Científico Tropical, 1992.
– MEZA, Tobías & BONILLA, Alexander. Areas naturales protegidas de Costa Rica. Costa Rica: Editorial Tecnologica de Costa Rica, 1995.
– NADKARNI, Nalini. Canopy Plants of the Monteverde Cloud Forest. San José: Tropical Science Center, 1993.
– NORMAN, David. The green turtles of Costa Rica. Educational Pamphlet Series.
– _______. The green and the spiny-tailed iguanas of Costa Rica. Educational Pamphlet Series.
– _______. The Leatherback Turtles of Costa Rica. Educational Pamphlet Series.
– ZELEDÓN, Ricardo. Código Ecológico. Costa Rica: Porvenir, 1996.