- Alaska Bird Observatory (EUA- Alasca)
- All About Birds (EUA)
- Ambergris Caye (Belize) Birds (EUA)
- African Bird Club (EUA)
- American Museum- Ornithology Department (EUA)
- Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad and Tobago (Trindade e Tobago)
- Audubon Naturalist Society (EUA)
- Avestravel (EUA)
- Bahrain (Bahrain)
- Balogh Scientific Books (EUA)
- Baltimore Bird Club (EUA)
- Barn owl (EUA)
- Birder Home Page (EUA)
- Birding and Natural History Links (EUA)
- Bird collection of Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (EUA)
- Bird Monitoring (EUA)
- Bird On! (EUA)
- Bird Song Files and Related Links (EUA)
- Bird Songs from the SUNY area (EUA)
- Bird Watchers’ Digest (EUA)
- BirdBrain (EUA)
- BirdGuides.com (EUA)
- Birding Alto Andino (EUA)
- Birding America (EUA)
- Birding and Nature Tours in Wisconsin (EUA)
- Birding Breaks in the North West of England (Inglaterra)
- Birding Hotspots Around the World (EUA)
- Birding in Bulgaria (Bulgária)
- Birding in Canada (Canadá)
- Birding in Cuba (Cuba)
- Birding in Northwest Arkansas (EUA)
- Birding in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
- Birding Links (EUA)
- BIRDNET- The Ornithological Information Source (EUA)
- Birds (EUA)
- Birds Databases (EUA)
- Birding magazines (EUA)
- Birding Pal (EUA)
- Birding Southern Queensland (Austrália)
- Birding Victoria, B. C. (EUA)
- Birding: About.com (EUA)
- Birdlife Finland (Finlândia)
- Birdlife International (Equador)
- Bird Life International- Birds to Watch 2 (Inglaterra)
- Birdlife Kenya (Quênia)
- BirdLife South Africa (África do Sul)
- Birds Australia (Austrália)
- Birds in a Cheshire Garden (Inglaterra)
- Birds in Alsace (França)
- Birds of Foula (Shetland) (EUA)
- Birds of Jasper Ridge (Nova Zelândia)
- Birds of Quebec (Canadá)
- Birds of Stewart Island, NZ (Nova Zelândia)
- Birds of the Galapagos (Galápagos)
- Birds, mostly Oregon (EUA)
- Birdlife South Africa (África do Sul)
- British Ornithologists’ Union (Inglaterra)
- Birdwatching In Bulgaria (Bulgária)
- Birdwatching in Northern Ireland (Irlanda do Norte)
- Birdwatching in Shetland (Inglaterra)
- Birdwatching in the Netherlands (Holanda)
- Birdwatching in the North of England (Inglaterra)
- Birdwatching-Australia, Rainforest Birds (Austrália)
- Blue Macaws (EUA)
- Bonaire (EUA)
- Brian Patteson,Inc. Pelagics (EUA)
- British Columbia Bird Highlights (EUA)
- Buteo Books (EUA)
- Caligo Ventures (EUA)
- Canários (informações,cuidados e links) (Portugal)
- Cape Breton Birds (Canadá)
- Care2 (EUA)
- Casa de San Pedro, SE AZ (EUA)
- CD Soundscapes: Brazil, Costa Rica (EUA)
- Central London RSPB Members’ Group (Inglaterra)
- Central Texas (EUA)
- Central Valley Bird Club (EUA)
- Checklist of Italy’s Breeding Birds (with maps) (Itália)
- Christmas counts database (EUA)
- CITES (Inglaterra)
- CITES: Birds of CITES and how to identify them (Dinamarca)
- Clockwork Travel (EUA)
- Colorado Birding Society (EUA)
- Colorado (EUA)
- Colorado Field Ornithologists (EUA)
- Conservation and Research Center (EUA)
- Conservation Ecology Journal (propaganda do jornal) (EUA)
- Critcally Endangered Birds (EUA)
- Cooper Ornithological Society (EUA)
- Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival (Alaska) (EUA)
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology (EUA)
- Costa Rica Naturally (Costa Rica)
- Costa Rica: Manual Antonio (Costa Rica)
- Costa Rica: some bird pictures (Costa Rica)
- Creagrus (EUA)
- Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area, British Columbia (EUA)
- Canários (informações, cuidados e links) (Portugal)
- Canaries: Song Type Canaries (EUA)
- Custom Photo Scanning (EUA)
- Czechoslovakia and Central Europe Tours (EUA)
- Dean Birders (Inglaterra)
- Denver Field Ornithologists (EUA)
- Don DesJardin’s Birds (EUA)
- Due North Software (EUA)
- Dutch Birding Association (Holanda)
- Endangered Bird Species (Inglaterra)
- Extinct Birds (Itália)
- Endangered Species (EUA)
- Eagle-Eye Tours (EUA)
- Eastern U.S. Birds (EUA)
- Electronic Resources on Ornithology (Canadá)
- Emu Tours (EUA)
- Encoding bird names (EUA)
- England: Greater Manchester Bird Page (Inglaterra)
- England: Sheffield Bird Study Group (Inglaterra)
- EuroBirdNet (Suécia)
- European Kingfisher (Alemanha)
- Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) (Canadá)
- Flying Emu Software (Canadá)
- Fatal Light Awareness Program (Canadá)
- FatBirder (EUA)
- Field Guides Inc. (EUA)
- Fifth Day Creations (EUA)
- Florida Ornithological Society (EUA)
- Florida Panhandle (EUA)
- Florida: Sunbird Seacoast Sanctuary (EUA)
- For The Birds (Canadá)
- Game Conservancy (UK) (Inglatera)
- Galapagos Islands: Charles Darwin Research Station (Ilhas Galápagos)
- Georgia Ornithological Society (EUA)
- Germany: Ornithologischer Beobachterring Saar (Alemanha)
- Global (EUA)
- Golden Gate Raptor Observatory (EUA)
- GoneBirding (Costa Rica)
- Great Basin Bird Observatory (EUA)
- Great Gull Island (EUA)
- Greg Lasley’s Site (EUA)
- Guatemala Birding Resource Center (Guatemala)
- Gull Photo Archive (Canadá)
- Gulls (EUA)
- Hacienda del Desierto B&B, Tucson (EUA)
- Handbook of the Birds of the World (EUA)
- HawkWatch International (EUA)
- High Lonesome EcoTours, Sierra Vista, AZ (EUA)
- Holbrook Travel (EUA)
- Hummingbird: The Hummingbird Society (EUA)
- Images and Triggers (Suécia)
- Important Bird Areas (USA) (EUA)
- Internet Guide to Birds and Birding (EUA)
- Interpretive Birding Bulletin (EUA)
- Iowa Birding (EUA)
- IUCN (internacional)
- Illinois (EUA)
- Jacana House (Inglaterra)
- Japan Alcid Society (Japão)
- Japan: Birds of Tokushima (Japão)
- Japan: Shiokawa Tidalflat (Japão)
- Joe Morlan’s California Birding Pages (EUA)
- Kakapo (EUA)
- Kansas (EUA)
- Kentucky Ornithological Society (EUA)
- Kestrels (EUA)
- Kirkland Bird Club (EUA)
- Kolibri Expeditions (EUA)
- Kopico: Accessories for Birding (EUA)
- Lanius Software for Birders (EUA)
- Lawson’s Birdwatching and Photographic Tours (África do Sul)
- Live Eagle Camera (EUA)
- Living Sound Recordings (EUA)
- Louisiana Ornithological Society (EUA)
- Louisiana Pelagic Trips (EUA)
- Louisiana: Shreveport Society for Nature study (EUA)
- Maine Birding (EUA)
- Marine Wildlife Care Center (EUA)
- Michigan Birding Home Page (EUA)
- Michigan: Rouge River bird observatory (EUA)
- Migrating Birds Know no Boundaries (Irlanda)
- Minnesota Ornithologists Union (USA)
- Minnesota Birding Network (EUA)
- Morro Bay (Canadá)
- Museum of Natural History, University of Georgia (EUA)
- Mute Swan (Inglaterra)
- National Audubon Society (EUA)
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (EUA)
- Nature Conservancy- Wired for Conservation (EUA)
- NTT World Bird Count (Japão)
- Neotropical Bird Club (EUA)
- Nature hikes in SF bay area (EUA)
- Nature Tours by Alan (EUA)
- NatureNet SoundScapes/CDs (EUA)
- NE Pennsylvania (EUA)
- Nesting Peregrines in Calgary (EUA)
- New Jersey (EUA)
- New Jersey Records committee (EUA)
- New York-Lower Hudson Valley (EUA)
- North American OnLine Field Guides (EUA)
- North Kent Birding (Inglaterra)
- North Queensland Birdwatching (Austrália)
- North-Dakota (EUA)
- Northern Sweden (Suécia)
- Northern Virginia Bird Club (EUA)
- ONE/Northwest (EUA)
- Ornothology: Eletronic Resources on Ornothology (EUA)
- Oahu Nature Tours (EUA)
- OceanWings (Nova Zelândia)
- Oklahoma Birds (EUA)
- Ontario Field Ornithologists (Canadá)
- Ontario (Canadá)
- Optics for birding FAQ and Home Page (EUA)
- Oregon Field Ornithologists (EUA)
- Oriental Bird Club (EUA)
- Ornithological Council: the Ornithological Information Source (EUA)
- Association of Field Ornithologists (EUA)
- The Cooper Ornithological Society (EUA)
- Raptor Research Foundation (EUA)
- The Wilson Ornithological Society (EUA)
- Ornithological Society of the Middle East (EUA)
- Owashtanong Islands Audubon Society (EUA)
- Palude La Vela – WWF – Italy (Itália)
- Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà (França)
- Paria Springs Eco Community (EUA)
- Parrot: World Parrot Trust (EUA)
- Partners in Flight (EUA)
- Penguin count Gabo island (EUA)
- perches for raptors (EUA)
- Peregrine BirdCam 2000 (EUA)
- Pictures of flying birds (EUA)
- Pierce Brodkorb Ornithology Collection (EUA)
- Point Reyes Bird Observatory (EUA)
- Princeton Field Guides (EUA)
- Project Elgon (EUA)
- Pyreneen Wildlife Holidays (EUA)
- Quebec (Canadá)
- Ramphastos’ Yardbirds:Songs, Images, Diary (EUA)
- Raptor Centre (EUA)
- Raptor Protection Group (United Kingdom) (Inglaterra)
- Raptor Rehabilitation (EUA)
- Rare Earth Tours (EUA)
- Red Cliffs Audubon, St. George, Utah (EUA)
- Redberry Pelican Project (EUA)
- Regulus Travel (EUA)
- Rocky Mountain Expeditions (EUA)
- Rothchild’s Mynah (EUA)
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (Inglaterra)
- Safaricam (EUA)
- Santa Barbara Software (EUA)
- Santa Barbara Software Products (EUA)
- Species under Threat (WWF) (EUA)
- Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities (EUA)
- Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society (EUA)
- Santa Cruz Bird Club (EUA)
- Sarawak (EUA)
- Satellite tracking of endangered birds (EUA)
- S. Jersey Birding Guide (EUA)
- Sibley’s Birds of the World (EUA)
- Skokholm Island (EUA)
- some 1000mm/4000mm pictures (EUA)
- Songbird brain circuitry (EUA)
- Songs and Calls of Some New York State Birds (EUA)
- Sound Analysis and Related Software (EUA)
- South African Birding Publications (África do Sul)
- South Florida Birding (EUA)
- South Florida Birding Connection (EUA)
- Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center (EUA)
- Specialist Science Books (EUA)
- Spotted Pardalote (EUA)
- Stanislaus County Audubon Society (EUA)
- Still more penguins (EUA)
- Stith Recording (EUA)
- Surfbirder (EUA)
- Suriname (Suriname)
- Sweden: Takern (Suécia)
- Sweden: The Golden Eagle (Suécia)
- Thayer birding software (EUA)
- The AviSys Birding Database System (EUA)
- The BirdChat Quiz (EUA)
- The Birds of Iwokrama (Guyana) (Guiana)
- The Canadian Peregrine Foundation (Canadá)
- The Canopy Tower, Panama (Panamá)
- The Chickadee Web (EUA)
- The Common Swift (Irlanda)
- The Eagle Page (EUA)
- The George M. Sutton Avian Research Center (EUA)
- The Gull Page (EUA)
- The Lindsay Wildlife Museum (Canadá)
- The Macbride Raptor Project (EUA)
- The National Audubon Society (EUA)
- The North American Bluebird Society (EUA)
- The Owl’s Nest (EUA)
- The Peregrine Fund (EUA)
- The Purple Martin Conservation Association (EUA)
- The Shorebird Watcher (EUA)
- The Swiss Ornithological Institute (Suíça)
- The Traveling Naturalist (Inglaterra)
- The Turkey Vulture Society (EUA)
- The Vireo Home Page (EUA)
- The Virtual Birder (EUA)
- The Wilson Ornithological Society (EUA)
- “The Large Macaws” (EUA)
- The Zululand Birding Route (África do Sul)
- Toronto (Canadá)
- Tragopan (Inglaterra)
- Tree of Life (EUA)
- Trinidad and Tobago (Trindade e Tobago)
- Trip impressions from Peru (Peru)
- Trip Reports from the NeoTropics (Holanda)
- Uccelli (EUA)
- University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (EUA)
- US Fish and Wildlife Service (EUA)
- Utah Birds (EUA)
- Utlängan, Sweden (Suécia)
- Vaseux Lake Lodge (EUA)
- Ventures, Inc. (EUA)
- Vermont Institute of Natural Science (EUA)
- View Nesting Birds (EUA)
- Virginia Society of Ornithology (EUA)
- Vive l’Ornitho (França)
- Washington Ornithological Society (EUA)
- World Wildlife Fund- US (EUA)
- Wildlife Computing (Inglaterra)
- Windsor Publications/Nature Discovery (EUA)
- Wings over Michigan (EUA)
- Wings over the Rockies (EUA)
- Wings: Birdwatching Tours Worldwide (EUA)
- World Conservation Monitoring Center (EUA)
- World Parrot Trust: Canada (Canadá)
- World Parrot Trust: USA (EUA)
- World Wildlife Fund (EUA)
- WorldTwitch (EUA)
- www.Birder.com (EUA)
- ZABirdStuff (África do Sul)
- Zebra Finches (EUA)