Yosemite National Park

Created in 1864, Yosemite NP has about 3000 km2 and altitude between 600 and 4,000 meters and is located in the states of California and Nevada in small part.

Is in the high parts of the Sierra Nevada, and protect areas of great scenic beauty as the valleys like Yosemite Valley, rivers and mountains.

The Half Dome, a huge rock is your prncipal reference.

In September 2014, we had the opportunity (Antonio Silveira and Gianine Luiza) to spend a week in the area and visit this famous North American park. By Antonio Silveira.

Photos by Antonio Silveira.


Antonio Silveira: 15-9-2014.

Temas Gerais

Temas Gerais Variados


  • Atividades
  • Expediente
  • Mais de 20 anos de existência
  • Parceria / Apoio
  • Registros por espécie/Records by species
  • Sons da Natureza/Sounds of Nature
  • Videos