Oleta River (Miami,Florida,USA)

Oleta river was home to the Tequesta Indians that use a rich and varied diet with the fauna of this river (official folder of Oleta River St Park).

Today Oleta river stay in the two parks: Olea River State Park and Greynolds Park.

In 21 April 2014, we use one canoe to take photos in this beautiful river. by Antonio Silveira.


Antonio Silveira: 21-4-2014.

Temas Gerais

Temas Gerais Variados


  • Atividades
  • Expediente
  • Mais de 20 anos de existência
  • Parceria / Apoio
  • Registros por espécie/Records by species
  • Sons da Natureza/Sounds of Nature
  • Videos