Phyllodytes luteolus (yellow heart-tongued frog)

Arquivo de Sons e Imagens da Vida Selvagem Antonio Silveira (ASIVS-AS)

Archive of sounds and images of wildlife Antonio Silveira (ASIVS-AS)


fotos: Comandatuba, Bahia, Brazil, 17-1-2009 and 10-10-2013, by Antonio Silveira

Phyllodytes luteolus; Perereca-das-bromélias; yellow heart-tongued frog

Occurs in the coastal region of eastern Brazil from the Pernambuco State, south to Espírito Santo State. It lives in bromeliads in lowland moist forest and in coastal “Restinga” shrubland (including in quite open “Restinga”). It breeds by larval development in bromeliads. The females lay a few eggs in each leaf axil and use more than one bromeliad during egg laying. (Débora Silvano, Gilda Andrade 2004. Phyllodytes luteolus. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. <>. Downloaded on 17 October 2013.


Vídeo/Vídeo: em breve/soon



Antonio Silveira: 18/10/2013.

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  • Atividades
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  • Mais de 20 anos de existência
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  • Sons da Natureza/Sounds of Nature
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