Macronectes halli (Petrel-gigante-do-norte; Hall’s Giant Petrel)
Arquivo de Sons e Imagens da Vida Selvagem Antonio Silveira (ASIVS-AS)
Archive of sounds and images of wildlife Antonio Silveira (ASIVS-AS)
In July of 2012, several Giant Petrels of two species (Macronectes giganteus and M.halli) and many Larus dominicanus eating for several days one deade whale in José Ignácio beach, Uruguay.
We had the opportunity to record photos and videos in this spectacular natural event. by Antonio Silveira.
VIDEOS: Macronectes eating dead whale. José Ignácio,Uruguay-7-2012-ASilveira
Hall’s Giant Petrel (Macronectes halli).José Ignácio-Uruguay-25-7-2012-by ASilveira
Antonio Silveira: 31-July-2012. Last update 01.8.2012