Sites sobre fauna
- Animal health, well-being, and rights
- Animal Info
- Animals of the Rainforest
- Biosis
- Cat House
- CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
- Corallus
- Crocodilian
- Defenders on Wildlife
- Ecovoluntário
- Enciclopédia WSD
- Endangered Life from around the World
- Fauna Brasileira
- Friends of the Earth
- ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature)
- Instituto Baleia Jubarte
- Instituto Butantan
- IUCN (The World Conservation Union)
- Lindsay’s Endangered Species Page
- Ma page Nature
- Marine Conservation Society
- Protection Mondiale des Animaux de Ferme
- Saúde Animal- Mamíferos
- Red List of Threatened Species- IUCN
- Reptile Rescue
- Species Information Network
- Species Survival Comission- IUCN
- Tartarugas Marinhas
- The Electronic Zoo
- The Foundation for Endangered Wildlife
- The International Rhino Foundation
- The Tapir Gallery
- Tortoise
- Unwanted Reptiles
- Venomous
- Wild Dogs
- Wildlife Discovery Program
- Wild Life Exposures
- World @nimal Net
- Yahoo- Animals/Mammals