Sciurus niger (Fox squirrel)
Arquivo de Sons e Imagens da Vida Selvagem Antonio Silveira (ASIVS-AS)
Archive of sounds and images of wildlife Antonio Silveira (ASIVS-AS)
Photos: Balboa Park, near Zoo San Diego, CA, USA. 22-9-2014. by Antonio Silveira
Range: This species is native throughout much of the eastern United States and very limited areas of adjoining Canada (extreme southern prairie provinces) and Mexico (occurs along the Rio Grande and its tributaries in northeastern Coahuila y Nuevo Leon (Ceballos and Oliva 2005)). It has been introduced to several western U.S. states and two Canadian provinces (British Columbia and Ontario). .
Introduced also in south and north of California.
Antonio Silveira: 27-9-2014.