Mojave Desert

Despite being a small desert, the Mojave desert located in the southwestern U.S. is a desert  of great beauty.

It has over 2,600 species of plants and one interesting fauna.

In April 2014 we were (Antonio Silveira and Gianine Luiza) in the region for the second time and recorded many of its scenic beauty and its flora and fauna. by Antonio Silveira.

-Photos by Antonio Silveira:


Antonio Silveira: 30-4-2014.


Temas Gerais

Temas Gerais Variados


  • Atividades
  • Expediente
  • Mais de 20 anos de existência
  • Parceria / Apoio
  • Registros por espécie/Records by species
  • Sons da Natureza/Sounds of Nature
  • Videos