Butterfly watching in Serra de Itapetinga, Atibaia, SP, Brazil, October 2015

Charis cadytis1-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira  Dryas iulia-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

On October,3, 2015, we were (Antonio Silveira and Renato Oliveira) in the “Serra de Itapetinga” in the municipality of Atibaia, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, more exactly in the area of “Reserva Ecológica do Vuna” to observe birds  for the Project Birdlist by Location, and butterflies w.

We recorded many species. Some species were able to identify as follow. By Antonio Silveira.


Butterflies and Moths recorded.

Agraulis vanillae maculosa (Stichel, [1908])

Anartia amathea roeselia  (Eschscholtz, 1821) (below)

Anartia amathea roeselia-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Charis cadytis Hewitson, 1866  (below)

Charis cadytis1-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Cyanopepla jucunda (Walker, 1854)  (below)

Cyanopepla jucunda (Walker, 1854)1-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Danaus gillipus  (Cramer, 1775)     (below)

Danaus gilippus2-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Dismorphia t. thermesia (Godart, 1819)  (below)

Dismorphia t. thermesia-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira Borboleta6-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Dryas iulia alcionea (Cramer, 1779)   (below)

Dryas iulia-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Eryphanis r. reevesii (E. Doubleday, [1849])  (below)

Eryphanis reevesi-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Eurema elathea flavescens  (Chavannes, 1850)

Godartiana muscosa (A. Butler, 1870)   (below)

Godartiana muscosa (A. Butler, 1870)2-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira Godartiana muscosa (A. Butler, 1870)3-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Heliconius erato phyllis (Fabricius, 1775)  (below)

Heliconius erato phyllis-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Heterusia conflictata Guenée, 1858


Heterusia quadruplicaria Geyer 1832   (below)

Heterusia quadruplicaria Geyer 1832-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Mechanitis l. lysimnia (Fabricius, 1793)  (below)

Mechanitis l. lysimnia (Fabricius, 1793)-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Mechanitis polymnia casabranca Haensch, 1905

Staphylus sp  (probably S. chlorocephala)  (below)


Xenophanes tryxus (Stoll, 1780)  (below)

Xenophanes tryxus (Stoll, 1780) -SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira


Some species is in identification process.


Photos by Antonio Silveira.



Renato O1-SItapetinga-AtibaiaSP-3-10-15-ASilveira

Thanks biol. Renato Oliveira (photo above) by the company in field and collaboration of identification of  species.

And thanks Marcio proper of Pousada Águas do Vale, Atibaia, for the logistical support.


Antonio Silveira: 05-10-2015. last update: 06-10-2015

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