Butterfly-watching in Misiones-AR
On April and October 2005, and March and April, September and October 2016, and March 2017 we were in Misiones Province, Argentina, more exactly in Puerto Iguazu and Iguazu National , to make observations of the natural beauty, especially birds and butterflies.
There are about 800 species of butterflies and moths in Misiones and it is certainly one of best places in the world to see butterflies.
Here are photos and videos of some species registered by us. By Antonio Silveira.
Use the slider to increase the photo.
Achlyodes busirus rioja Evans, 1953; Giant Sicklewing (probably) (below)
Agraulis vanillae maculosa (Stichel, [1908]) (below)
Anartia amathea roeselia (Eschscholtz, 1821) (below)
Adelpha malea goyama Schaus, 1902 (below)
Anartia jatrophae (Linnaeus, 1763) (below)
Arawacus meliboeus (Fabricius, 1793); Meliboeus Stripestreak (below)
Ascia monuste orseis (Godart, 1819) (below)
Astraptes fulgerator (Walch, 1775)
Barbicornis basilis mona Westwood, 1851 (below)
Battus polydamas (Linnaeus, 1758); Polydamas Swallowtail (below)
Biblis hyperia nectanabis (Fruhstorfer, 1909) (below)
Caligo brasiliensis (C. Felder, 1862) (below)
Callicore hydaspes (Drury, 1772) (below)
Callicore pygas thamyras (Ménétriés, 1857) (below)
Colobura dirce dirce (Linnaeus, 1758); Dirce Beauty (below)
Catonephele numilia neogermanica (Stichel, 1899) (below)
Caria (probably C. marsyas Godman, 1903) (below)
Chlosyne lacinia saundersi (Doubleday e Hewitson, 1849) (below)
Diaethria clymena janeira (C. Felder, 1862); 88; Cramer’s 88 butterfly (below)
Dircenna dero celtina Burmeister, 1878 (below)
Dione juno (Cramer,. 1779) (below)
Doxocapa agathina vacuna (Godart, [1824]) (abaixo)
Doxocona laurentia (Godart, [1824]) (below)
Dosocopa linda mileta (Boisduval, 1870) (below)
Dryas iulia (Fabricius, 1775) (below)
Dryadula phaetusa (Linnaeus, 1758) (below)
Dynamine aerata (A.Butler, 1877) (below)
Dynamine artemisia (Fabricius, 1793); Small-eyed Sailor (below)
Dynamine postverta (Cramer, [1780]) (below)
Episcada hymenaea (Prittwitz, 1865) (probably) (below)
Eresia lansdorfi (Godart, 1819) (below)
Eueides isabella dianasa (Hübner, [1806]) (below)
Haematera pyrame (Hübner, [1819]) (below)
Hamadryas epinome (Felder & Felder, 1867); Epinome Cracker (below)
Hamadryas februa (Hübner, [1823]); Grey Cracker or Gray Cracker (below)
Hamadryas feronia (Linnaeus, 1758); Variable Cracker (below)
Heliconius erato phyllis (Linnaeus, 1758); Red postman (below)
Heliconius ethilla narcaea (Godart, 1819); Maria-boba (below)
Heliopetes alana (Reakirt, 1868); Alana White-Skipper (below)
Heraclides anchisiades capys (Hubner, [
Heraclides astyalus (Godart, 1819) (below)
Heraclides hectorides (Esper, 1794) (below)
Heraclides thoas brasiliensis (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906) (below)
Heraclides thoas thoantiades (Burmeister, 1878); Thoas Swallowtail (below)
Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius, 1775) (below)
Historis odius (Fabricius, 1775) (bellow)
Hypanartia lethe (Fabricius, 1793); Orange Mapwing (below)
Hypothyris euclea laphria (Doubleday, 1847) (probably) (below)
Junonia genoveva hilaris (C. et R. Felder, 1867) (below)
Lasaia agesilas (Latreille, [1809]); Shining-blue Lasaia (below)
Leptotes cassius (Cramer, 1775); Cassius Blue or Tropical Striped Blue (below)
Libytheana carinenta (Cramer, 1777); American Snout
Marpesia chiron (Fabricius, 1775) ; Many-
Marpesia petreus (Cramer, 1776); Ruddy Daggerwing (below)
Memphis moruus (Fabricius, 1775) (bellow)
Methona themisto (Hübner, 1818) (below)
Morpho achilles (or helenor) achillides (Linnaeus, 1758) (below)
Mylon maimon (Fabricius, 1775); Common Mylon (below)
Ortilia ithra (Kirby, 1900); Ithra Crescent (below)
Ortilia velica durnfordi (below)
Papilio anchisiades capys (
Parides anchises nephalion (Godart, 1819) (below)
Perichares seneca (Latreille, [1824]) (below)
Pareuptychia summandosa (Gosse, 1880) (below)
Phocides pigmmalion hewitsonius (below)
Phoebis argante (Fabricius, 1775) (below)
Phoebis neocypris (Hübner, 1823) (below)
Phoebis sennae marcellina (Cramer, 1777); Cloudless Sulphur (below)
Placidina euryanassa (C.et R.Felder, 1860) (probably) (below)
Protesilaus helios (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906) (below)
Pseudolycaena marsyas (below)
Pyrgus orcynoides (Giacomelli, 1928)
Pyrrhogyra neaerea arge Gosse, 1880 (below)
Pyrrhopyge charybdis charybdis Weswood, 1852 (below)
Rhabdodryas trite banksi (Breyer, 1939) (below)
Rekoa meton (Cramer, 1779); Meton Hairstreak (below)
Rhesus periander eleusinus Stichel 1910 (below)
Synargis victrix (below)
Siproeta epaphus trayja Hübner, [1823]
Siproeta stelene meridionalis (Fruhstorfer, 1909) (below)
Taygetis laches marginata Staudinger, [
Tegosa claudina (Eschscholtz, 1821) (below)
Temenis laothoe Cramer, 1777 (below)
Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus, 1758) (below)
Yphthimoides straminea (below)
Thanks to my wife Gianine Luiza for the company on these trips.
PANAPANÁ: (bando de borboletas) Butterflies in group:
See some our videos:
Observando borboletas em Misiones AR 3 2017 Antonio Silveira
Observando a fauna da Selva de Misiones AR 3 2017 Antonio Silveira
Butterfly watching in Ruta101-Antrecito AR 17 3 17 Antonio Silveira
Callicore pygas thamyras Pto Iguazu,Misiones AR 20 3 17 Antonio Silveira
Vanessa braziliensis Puerto Iguazu,-AR 18 3 2017 Antonio Silveira
Arawacus meliboeus-Puerto Iguazu-AR 23 10 2015 Antonio Silveira
Butterfly watching in Misiones AR 3 2016 Antonio Silveira
Selva Yryapu – Misiones AR 10 2015 Antonio Silveira
Adelpha malea goyama, Puerto IguazuAR 26 4 2015 Antonio Silveira
Doxocapa agathina vacuna-PN Iguazu-AR-24 10 2015 Antonio Silveira
Panapaná-PN Iguazu-AR-24 10 2015 Antonio Silveira
Adelpha malea goyama,IguazuNP AR 24 4 2015 Antonio Silveira
Callicore hydaspes-PN Iguazu-AR-24 10 2015 Antonio Silveira
Butterfly watching PN Iguazu AR oct 2016 Antonio Silveira
the author in field:
Antonio Silveira: 28-4-2015. last updata 03-5-2016 and 16-9-2016. and 31-10-2016. and 22-3-2017.