Birds of Barão de Melgaço (MT-Brazil)
Birds checklists by places. Birds of Barão de Melgaço (MT-Brazil)
Developing our project audible and visual survey of the avifauna of Brazil , we were( Antonio Silveira ) on Barão de Melgaço – MT , between 04 and 07/08/04 , 05/08/06 and from 03 to 15-19 / 05 / 08 , especially the River Mutum (Rio Mutum) , which resulted in a preliminary list of 208 birds observed , the list follows below.
Barão de Melgaço is a municipality that is the Pantanal region near Cuiaba , capital of Mato Grosso , and is regarded as one of the Mato Grosso wetlands .
In this region rivers flow as Cuiabá and Mutum , this river of clear , fishy waters and great beauty . Rivers, savannahs and wetlands form a huge natural tourism potential , given the existence of areas still preserved and with loads of animals from the most varied . Among mammals still find the jaguar ( Panthera onca ) , the puma ( Felix concolor ) and otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) , thus showing the high degree of preservation.
Among birds include the Jacutinga ( Aburria cujubi , Red – throated Piping – Guan ) , the Ruddy mirror ( Claravis pretiosa , Blue Ground – dove ) , the Socó – beija-flor ( Agamia agami ; Agami Heron) , Uirapuru laranjado ( Pipra fasciicauda ; Band- tailed Manakin ) and the rare – Socó- zique-zaque ( Zebrilus undulatus ; Zigzag Heron) , which recorded the impressive vocalization .
Thus , we recorded a great potential for tourism viewing ( birding ) .
Antonio Silveira: 25-3-2014.