Birds of Comandatuba Island – BA,Brazil
The Comandatuba Island, about 22 km of beach, is in the southern region of Bahia, in the municipalities of Una and Canavieiras, getting nearly all the latter.
Despite the anthropogenic interference with coconut plantations centuries, still retains patches of mangrove, salt marsh and wetlands, where there are many species of birds.
Developing project survey of the avifauna of that island, were (Antonio Silveira) on site between 5 and 15 February 2004, staying at the Hotel Transamerica – Comandatuba Island, for advice and restructuring of birding in the hotel, which resulted in time a preliminary list of birds observed on the island (a total of 85 species).
In the area of the hotel said there is an interesting wooden walkway about 100 feet above the swamp, where it is possible to see the fauna of this environment, especially the crown-of-Savacu (Nyctanassa violacea, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron) making nests site, reaching, according to local biologist Mauricio Arantes, to have 39 active nests. It is also easy to see and hear the Xexéu (Cacicus cela; Yellow rumped Cacique). The walkway is also possible to see several species of crabs and crabs, as well as troops of marmoset (Callithryx kuhlii), endemic to this region of Bahia, which came to mangrove eating for crab-sailor, an arboreal species living in the mangrove trees.
A place also very interesting to observe birds is the golf course the hotel because it has a very large area with lakes and forests sandbank between the holes where you can see interesting birds like the rallidae Russet -crowned Crake (Laterallus viridis), the Giant Cowbird (Molothrus oryzivorus) and migratory birds such as kingfishers, stopping on the lawns and lakes. Many times we go through the golf course in electric cars, which are practical as well as silent, making the observation more comfortable and easy.
We return to this spectacular island in November 2004, January 2007, January 2009, January 2010, January and October 2011 , March 2012, January and October 2013, where we have done such a good time for bird watching, updating the list to 136 species.
Antonio Silveira: last update: 8.7.2014.