Butterfly watching

Borboleta1-PcodasAntasMongaguaSP-7-10-14-ASilveira Philaethria wernickei3-SItapetingaAtibaiaSPBR-2-5-15-ASilveira

The butterfly watching or butterflying is a relatively recent activity, which has many supporters in the United States especially, where there are about 700 species, with the North of Mexico (Pyle’s)

In the US there are many associations of studies of butterflies and related activities, such as the North American Butterfly Association (NABA), there is illustrated guides species, magazines such as American Butterflies Magazine. And incentives Butterfly Gardening, which is the creation of gardens with plants attractive to butterflies to your observation and study.

There are tours to observe butterflies in many countries, such as Peru, Indonesia (Sulawesi), Uganda which has about 700 species (My Uganda), Taiwan, Hong Kong (Zoological and Botanical Gardens) and Estonia (Estonian Wildlife Tours). There are trails and in Salzburg in Austria.

In Brazil, given the growing concern about environmental issues, the increase in interest for the activities related to the environment and the growing spread of digital cameras, and also the great diversity of species of butterflies (about 3.300) and moths (about 23.000 species), this activity has everything to grow. In fact, there are already some events on this activity. Also tours to observe butterflies. (see Butterflies of Brazil)

As in birdwatching the applicant must go to places where there are flowers provided with binoculars, identification guide, discreet color preference of clothing because the butterflies have great power of vision, and mostly willingness to wait and enjoy this winged jewels.

This activity can be done in a garden in an abandoned land that has flowers in public parks, botanical gardens, in public squares, in short, anywhere where there are flowers. (see Butterflies of São Paulo city ; Butterflies of Sao Paulo Botanical Garden  and Butterflies of Ibirapuera Park,SP)

But in natural areas such as forests and grasslands are the biggest challenges, as there is unpredictable, hope to find more rare and even possible species not yet identified by science. Not to mention the pleasure and the healthy activity of walking outdoors in a natural area.

The observation of butterflies is a very interesting form of recreation, not to mention that is very pleasant for those who like to be in contact with nature.

As well as birdwatching, butterfly watching, may constitute a favorable factor for the personal enrichment of the practitioner, because he will be in contact with nature and consequently with opportunity to reflect on life and the man-nature relationship . And yet this activity can be a strong stimulus for tourism and economic development of the area, as we have already said (A força do turismo de observação).

So, my friends, I recommend you to think about it and start this salutary and interesting activity that is the Butterfly watching and have fun with the spectacular, –beautiful and graceful winged jewels that are the butterflies. by Antonio Silveira



Estonian Wildlife Tours http://www.estonianwildlifetours.com/tour/butterfly-watching/butterfly-watching-tour/

Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/green/butterfly/en/section4.php

My Uganda http://www.myuganda.co.ug/butterfly-watching/

NABA- North American Butterfly Association http://www.naba.org/

Robert M. Pyle’s , National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies

Santos, Antonio Silveira R. A força do turismo de observação.http://www.aultimaarcadenoe.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/A_forca_do_turismo_de_observacao-24-8-04-SuplTur-Estadao-ASilveira.pdf

Salzburgo butterfly watching trail. http://www.freilichtmuseum.com/en/specials/butterfly-watching-trail.html

Taiwan http://eng.taiwan.net.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0002038&jid=97


also in PDF – portuguese  and English


SEE : BUTTERFLY RECORDS , by Antonio Silveira






photos by the author:

Danaus sp2-PqIbirapueraSP-BR-2015-ASilveira  Borboleta-BillBaggsStPark-Miami-31-8-13-ASilveira

Borboleta-PNItatiaiaBR-11-1-14-ASilveira  Borboleta1-PECantareiraSP-Br-17-1-15-ASilveira


Antonio Silveira: 16 January 2015. last update 02-11-2015.

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