Butterfly records

Borboleta azul-Myscelio orsis-PNItatiaia-RJ-BR-ASilveira Papilio cresphontes1-GreynoldsPark-MIami-12-3-15-ASilveira

The butterfly watching or butterflying is a relatively recent activity, which has many supporters and tours in several countries of the world like United States, Mexico,  Peru, Indonesia (Sulawesi), Uganda  Taiwan, Hong Kong (Zoological and Botanical Gardens) and Estonia (Estonian Wildlife Tours). There are trails and in Salzburg in Austria.

In Brazil, given the growing concern about environmental issues, the increase in interest for the activities related to the environment and the growing spread of digital cameras, and also the great diversity of species of butterflies (about 3.300) and moths (about 23.000 species ), this activity has everything to grow. In fact, there are already some events on this activity. Also tours to observe butterflies.

As in birdwatching the applicant must go to places where there are flowers provided with binoculars, identification guide, discreet color preference of clothing because the butterflies have great power of vision, and mostly willingness to wait and enjoy this winged jewels.

This activity can be done in a garden in an abandoned land that has flowers in public parks, botanical gardens, in public squares, in short, anywhere where there are flowers.

The observation of butterflies is a very interesting form of recreation, not to mention that is very pleasant for those who like to be in contact with nature.

So, we decided to do a sector with records of thi spetacular insects by photos and videos from several locations, as follows. by Antonio Silveira.


Obds: photos and videos by Antonio Silveira, and eventual collaborators who are identified in photos. Put the cursor over the photo to see the place)

zoom – Click na foto para ampliar / Click on photo to expand


Brazil  (click here)

Temenis laothoe meridionalis2-SJapiJundiaiSP-13-6-15-ASilveira


Records in other countries:


ARGENTINA (Misiones)


Aruba (Caribbean) : Butterflies of Aruba


NORTH AMERICA (United States)


Uruguay (below)

Adelpha syma – Laguna del Diario-Maldonado-UY, Antonio Silveira

Adelpha syma2-LagDiarioUY-13-4-15-ASilveira

Agraulis vanillae-Pan de Azuca-Maldonado -UY- Antonio Silveira

Borboleta-LagunaDiario-UY-19-4-13-ASilveira  Agraulis-vanillae1-PandeAzucar-UR-20-12-11-ASilveira

Colias lesbia, Laguna del Diario,Maldonado,UY, Antonio Silveira

Colias lesbia1-LagDiarioUY-27-2-15-ASilveira

Doxocopa sp (probably D. laurentia). Laguna del Diario,Maldonado-UY, Antonio Silveira

Doxocopa laurentia 4-LagDiarioUY-22-2-15-ASilveira

Junonia genoveva hiraris, Laguna del Diario, Maldonado, Antonio Silveira

Junonia genoveva hiraris2-LagDiarioUY-26-2-15-ASilveira

Hylephila phyleus , Laguna del Diario-Maldonado, UY, Antonio Silveira

Hylephila phyleus2-LagDiarioUY-22-2-15-ASilveira

Pyrgus sp  , Laguna del Diario,Maldonado,UY,Antonio Silveira

Pyrgus sp1-LagDiario-UY-15-4-15-ASilveira

Vanessa braziliensis-Laguna del Diario,Maldonado-UY- Antonio Silveira

Vanessa braziliensis4-LagDiarioUY-20-2-15-ASilveira



Not yet identified







Antonio Silveira: 03-1-2015. last up date 02-8-2015. 26-10-2018

Temas Gerais

Temas Gerais Variados


  • Atividades
  • Expediente
  • Mais de 20 anos de existência
  • Parceria / Apoio
  • Registros por espécie/Records by species
  • Sons da Natureza/Sounds of Nature
  • Videos