Atlantic Forest Voices

    The Atlantic Forest is one of the most exuberant forests in the planet and there are thousands of  fauna and flora species.
    The vegetal group that composes the Atlantic Forest is too complex, especially where the predominance is of the hillside tropical pluvial forest, known as the properly said Atlantic Forest. It is located in the coast side of Brazil, from Rio Grande do Norte up to Santa Catarina, in the border with Rio Grande do Sul.
    The Atlantic Forest is composed by the formations that follows:
    - Hillside tropical pluvial forest, located in the coast of  Serra do Mar and in a lot of islands of  mainly São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paraná coasts;
    - Interior forest at the Brazilian tableland and at Paraná River margin;
    - Araucaria forest, occurring in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and isolated points of  São Paulo.
    The trees generally grows up 20 or 30 meters high and as there is an assigned distribution, they don't form a continuous dossel, as it normally happens in the Amazonian Rainforest.
    There are a lot of bromeliads.
    Its fauna is also too rich, and it is composed by a lot of  birds, amphibians, mammals (especially primates) etc. species.
    Because of its fauna rich, when we are into the Atlantic Forest, there can be noticed many sounds that denote all of its biodiversity; there are mainly birds, amphibians and insects vocalizations.

    Sounds examples
    We have selected some sounds of this complex forest, so you can know it a little bit.

    - Birds

- Vireo olivaceus; Juruviara; Red-eyed Vireo

- Pitylus fuliginosus; Bico-de-pimenta; Black-throated Grosbeak

- Chiroxiphia caudata; Tangará;Swallow-tailed Manakin

- Colaptes campestris; Pica-pau-do-campo; Campo Flicker

    - Amphibians

        - Physalaemus cuvieri

       - Leptodactylus fuscus

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