Bibliografia – morcegos

– ARATHA, A. A. & VAUGHAN, J. B. 1970. Analyses of relative abundance and reproductive activity of bats in southrastern Colombia. Caldasia, Bogotá 10: 517-52.
ARROYOCABRALES, J. & J. K. JONES, JR. 1988. Balantiopterix plicata. Mammalian Species nº 301.
BAKER, R. J. & H. H. GENOWAYS. 1978. Zoogeography of Antillean bats. Pages 53-97, in Zoogeography in the Caribbean ( F. B. Gill, ed.), Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Special publications, 13, iii + 1-128.
– BARBOUR, R. W. & W. H. DAVIS. 1969. Bats of America. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
– BERNSTEIN, j. 1952. Portrait of a vampire. Nat. Hist., N. Y. 61: 82-87.
BRADBURY, J. & S. L. VERHREMCAMP. 1976. Social organization and foraging in emballonurid bats. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 1: 337-81.
BROWN, J. H. 1968. Activity patterns of some neotropical bats. J. Mammal. 49: 754-757.
BURNS, R. J. & CRESPO, R. F. 1974. Notes on local movements and reproduction of vampire bats in Colima, México. SWtern Nat. 19 (1).
CEBALLOS, G. & R. A. MEDELLÍN. Diclidurus albus. Mammalian species, nº 316.
CRESPO, J. A., VANELLA, J. M., BLOOOD, B. D. & CARLO, J. M. de. 1961. Observaciones ecologicas sobre el vampiro (Desmodus rotundus) en el norte de cordoba. Revt Mus. arg. cienc. nat. Bernardino Rivadavia, Cienc. zool.
DALQUEST, W. W., 1965. Natural history of the vampire bats of eastern Mexico. Am. Midl. Nat.
DALQUEST, W. W. & WALTON, D. W. 1970. Diurnal retreats of bats. In: SLAUGTHER, B. H. & WALTON, D. W., eds. About a quiropteran symposium. Dallas, Texas, Southern Methodist Univ. Press, p. 162-187.
DAVIS, R., 1970. Carrying of young by flying female North American bats. Am. Midl. Nat.
DEBLASE, A. F. & MARTIN, R. E., 1974. A manual of mammalogy. Dubuque. Iowa, Brown Co.
DWYER, P. D. 1971. Temperature regulation and cave dwelling in bats: an evololutionary perspective. Mammalia 35: 424-455.
ERKERT, H. G. 1978. Sunset related timing of flight activity in neotropical bats. Oecologia 37 (1): 424-455.
FENTON, M. B. 1970a. Population studies of Myotis lucifugus. (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Ontario. Life Scc. Contr., ROM 77: 1-34.
FENTON, M. B. 1970b. A technique for monitoring bat activity with results obtained from different environments from southern Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 48: 847-851.
FENTON M. B. & KUNZ, T. H. 1977. Movements and behaviorIn: BAKER, R. J. et alii, eds. Biology of bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae. 2. Spec. Publs Mus. Texas tech. Univ. 13: 351-364.
FLEMING, T. H., HOOPER, E. T. & WILSON, D. E. 1972. Three central American bat communities: structure, reproductive cycles and movement patterns. Ecology 53: 555-569.
GARDNER, A. L. 1977. Feeding Habits. In: BAKER, R. J. et all, eds. Biology of bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae. 2. Spec. Publs Mus. Texas tech. Univ. 13: 293-350.
GLASS, B. P. 1970. Feeding mechanisms of bats. In: SLAUGTHER, B. H. & WALTON, W., eds. About bats: a quiropteran symposium. Dallas, Tex., Southern Methodist Univ. Press., p. 84-92.
GOODWIN, G. G. 1970. The Ecology of Jamaican Bats. J. Mammal. 51: 571-579.
GOODWIN, G. G. & GREENHALL, A. M. 1961. A review of the bats of Trinidad and Tobago: discriptions, rabies infection and ecology. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 122 (3): 187-302.
GOULD, P. J. 1961. Emergence time of Tadarida in relation to light intensity. J. Mammal. 42: 405-407.
GREENHALL, A. M. 1970. The use of a precipitin teste to determine host preference of the vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus and Diphylla ecaudata. Bijdr. Dierk: 40: 36-39.
GREENHALL, A. M. 1972. The biting and feeding habits of the vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) J. Zool., Lond. 168 (4): 451-461.
GREENHALL, A. M. 1976. Care in captivity. In: BAKER, R. J. et alii, eds. Biology of bats of the new world familly Phyllostomatidae, 1. Spec. Publs Mus. Texas tech. Univ. 10: 89-132
HEITHAUS, E. A. & FLEMING, T. H. 1978. Foraging movements of a frugivorous bat. Carollia perspicillata. Ecol. Monogr. 48 (2): 127-143.
HEITHAUS, E. R., FLEMING, T. H. & OPLER, T., 1975. Foraging patterns abd resource utilization in seven species of bats in a seasonal tropic forest. Ecology 56: 841-854.
HERD, R. M. 1983. Pteronotus parnellii. Mammalian species, n.º 209.
HERREID, C. F. 1963. Temperature regulation of Mexican free-tailed bats in care habits. J. Mammal. 44: 560-573.
HERREID, C. F. & DAVIS, R. B. 1966. Flight patterns of bats. J. Mammal 47: 78-86.
HOOD. C. S. & J. PITTOCHELLI. 1983. Noctilio albiventris. Mammalian species n.º 197.
– _______ & J. K. JONES, Jr. 1984. Noctilio leporinus. Mammalian species, n.º 216.
HUMPREY, S. R. 1975. Nursery roosts and community diversity of nearctic bats. J. Mammal. 56: 321-346.
HUMPREY, R. R. & BONACCORSO, F. J. 1979. Population and community ecology. In: bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae. 3. Spec. Publs Mus. Texas tech. Univ. 16: 409-441.
JIMBO, S. & SCHWASSMANN, H. O. 1967. Feeding behavior and the daily emergence pattern of Artibeus jamaicensis Leach. In: BRASIL. CONSELHO NACIONAL D EPESQUISAS. Atas do simpósio sobre a biota amazônica, Belém, PA, 1966, vol. 5 Zoologia. Rio de Janeiro, 1967. p. 239-253.
KOOPMAN, K. F. 1958. Land bridges and ecology in bat distribution on islands off the northern coast of south america. Evolution, 12: 429-439.
KOOPMAN, K. F. 1976. Zoogeography. Pages 39-47, in Biology of Bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae, Part 1 (R. J. Baker, J. K. Jones, Jr. and D. C. Carter (eds.), Special publications of the Museum, Texas Tech University 10: 1-218.
KOOPMAN, K. F. 1978. Zoogeography of peruvian bats with special emphasis on the role of the Andes. American Museum Novitates, 2651:1-33.
LABASTILLE, A. 1973. Vampire. Black sheep of the bat family. Int. Wildl. 3 (2): 42-49.
LANGGUTH, A. & ACHAVAL, F., 1972. Notas ecologicas sobre el vampiro Desmodus rotundus en el Uruguay.
LAVAL, R. K. 1970. Banding returns and activity periods of some Costa Rican bats. SWtern Nat. 15 (1): 1-10.
LAVAL, R. K. & FITCH, H. S. 1977. Structure, movements, and reproduction in three Costa Rican communities. Occ. Pap. Mus. nat. Hist. Univ. Kans. 69: 1-28.
LOPEZ-FORMENT, W. 1976. Registros de longevidad y estabilidad de las poblaciones del vampiro Desmodus rotundus en México. Am. Inst. Biol. Univ. nac. autón. Méx. Sér. Zool. 47 (2): 197-98.
MANN, F. G. 1951. El vampiro portador de la rabia. Bol. Ofic. San. Panamericana 37 (1): 53-65.
MANN, F. G. 1978. Los pequeños mamíferos de Chile. Gaiana, Zool, 40: 1-342.
MACMANUS, J. J. 1977. Thermoregulation. In: BAKER, R. J. et alii des., Bilology of bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae. 2. Spec. Publs Mus. Texas tech. Univ. 13: 281-292.
MCNAB, B. K. 1971. The structure of tropical bat faunas. Ecology 52: 351-358.
MCNAB, B. K. 1973. Energetics and the distribution of vampires. J. Mammal. 54: 131-44.
MCNAB, B. K. & MORISON, P. 1963. Observations on bats from Bahia, Brasil. J. Mammal. 44: 21-23.
MEDELLÍN, R. A. & D. E. WILSON & D. NAVARRO L. 1985. Micronycteris brachyotis. Mammalian species n. º 251.
MORRISON, D. W. 1978. Lunar phobia in a neotropical fruit bat. Artibeus jamaicenscis. Anim. Behav. 26 (3): 852-855.
OCHOA, J. & C. IBAÑEZ. 1982. Nuevo murciélago del genero Lonchorhina (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) Mem. Soc. Cien. Nat. La Salle 42 (118): 145-59.
SANBORN, C. C. 1937. American bats of the subfamily Emballonurinae. Fld. Mus. Nat. Hist. Chicago, Zool. Ser. 20: 321-354.
SAVAGE, D. E. 1951. A Miocene phyllostomatid bat from Colombia, South America. University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences, 28: 357-366.
SAZIMA, I. 1978. Aspectos do comportamento alimentar do morcego hematófago, Desmodus rotundus, na região de Campinas. São Paulo. Bolm. Zool., São Paulo. 3: 97-120.
SCHMIDT, U., GREENHALL, A. M. & LOPEZ-FORMENT, W. 1971. Ökologische Untersuchungen der Vampirfledermaüse (Desmodus rotundus) in Staate Puepla. Mexico. Z. Säugetierk. 36: 360-370.
SMITH, J. D. 1972. Systematics of the chiropteran family Mornoopidae. Univ. Kan. Mus. Hist. Misc. Publ., n.º 56.
SILVA, G. 1979. Los murciélagos de Cuba. Havana: Editorial Academia.
STARRETT, A. 1972. Cyttarops alecto. Mammalian species n.º 13.
TADDEI, V. A. 1976. The reproduction of some Phyllostomidae (Chiroptera) from the northwestern region of the State of São Paulo 1: cvc-ccj.
TAMSITT, J. R. 1967. Niche and species diversity in neotropical bats. Nature, London 213: (5078): 784-786.
TAMSITT, J. R. & VALDIVIESO, D. 1963. Records and observations on Colombian bats. J. Mammal. 44: 168-180.
THOMAS, M. E. 1972. Preliminary study of the annual breeding patterns and population fluctuations of bats in three ecologically distinct habitats in Southwestern Colombia. Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, Tulane univ. 196 p.
TRAJANO, E. 1982. New records of bats from Southeastern Brazil. J. Mammal. 63: 529.
TRAPIDO, H. 1946. Observations on the vampire bat with special reference to logevity in captivity. J. mammal, 27: 217-29.
TURNER, D. C. 1975. The vampire bat: a field study in behavior and ecology. Baltimore, Jonhs Hopkins Univ. Press.
TUTTLE, M. D. 1970. Distribution and zoogeography of Peruvian bats, with comments on natural history. Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull. 49: 45-86.
TUTTLE, M. D. 1974. Bat trapping: results and suggestions. Bat Res. News 15 (1): 4-7.
TUTTLE, M. D. 1976. Population Ecology of the gray-bat (Myotis grisescens): philopatry, timing and patterns of movement, weight loss during migrations, ans seasonal adaptative strategies. Occ. Pap. Mus. nat. Hist. Kansas 54: 1-38.
UIEDA, W. 1982. Aspectos do comportamento alimentar das três espécies de morcegos hematófagos. Dissertação de mestrado. São paulo, Univ. Estadual de Campinas. Inst. Biologia.
UIEDA, W., SAZIMA, I. & STORTI FILHO, A. 1980. Aspectos da biologia do morcego Furipiterus horrens. Revta. bras. Biol. 40: (1): 59-66.
VERSCHUREM, J. 1957. Exploratie van het National Guaramba Park; Ecologie, biologie et biologie et systematique des Chiroptères. Fasc. 7: 1-473.
VILLA-R., B. & VILLA-CORNEJO, B. 1971. Observaciones acerca de algunos muciélagos del norte de Argentina, especialmente de la Biologia del vampiro Desmodus rotundus. Am. Inst. Biol. Univ. nac. autón. Méx., Sér. Zool. 42 (1): 107.
VIZOTTO, L. D. & TADDEI, V. A. 1968. Quirópteros da região Norte-Ocidental do Estado de São Paulo. Ciênc. Cult. 20 (2): 329-330.
WILSON, D. E. 1979. Reproductive patterns. In: BAKER, R. J. et alii, eds. Biology of bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae. 3. Spec. Publs Mus. Texas tech. Univ. 16: 317-378.
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WILSON, D. E. & FINDLEY, J. S. 1970. Reproductive cycle of a neotropical insectivorous bat, Myotis nigricans. Nature, Lond, 225: 1155.
WIMSATT, W. A. 1969. Transiente behavior, nocturnal activity patterns and feeding efficiency of vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) under natural conditions. J. Mammal. 50: 233-244.
WINSATT, W. A. & GUERRIERE, A. 1962. Observations on the feeding capacities and excretory functions of captive vampire bats. J. Mammal 43: 17-27.
WINSATT, W. A. & TRAPIDO, H. 1952. Reproduction and the female reproductive cycle in the Tropical American vampire bat, Desmodus rotuundus, Am. J. Anat. 91 (3) 415-437.
– YOUNG, A. M. 1971. Foranging of vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) in Atlantic wet lowland Costa Rica. Revta. Biol. trop. 18 (1/2): 73-88.

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