Stray Boys and drugs

    The increase of poverty and the deterioration of life’s quality in the majority of the countries of the world are reflection of the unsustainable standards of consumption and production that the humanity comes using by decades.
    In this scene Brazil has detached as the champion of a heading nothing enviable: the country of bigger social inequality of the planet, according to Report of World-wide Development, elaborated for the Bird Bank, divulged in June of 1996, also losing for the Kenya and Zimbabwe. This inequality has as cause also the great percentage of unemployed who reach 5,2% of the economically active population (IBGE) and the under employment that with certainty the percentage would raise plus some points.
    It is calculated in the world that more than 1 billion of people is dismissed currently, beyond whom about 1 billion people pass hunger and this cipher is estimated in 2.5 billion for 2025 (Population Action International (FATHER), an American north NGO).
    The poverty, the unemployment and the population excess could only result in that we mainly see in the averages and great cities of the underdeveloped countries: many people living in the streets; great part of boys and girls, who live in the streets becoming vacant without ceiling and nothing, consisting in one of the biggest social problems of the poor countries.
    By the way, this problem is known of all of us, but the recent World-wide Report On Drugs, of the Program of the Nations Matched for the International control of Drugs (UNDCP) has showed that the situation is much more serious of than thought, therefore as calculations of the UNICEF in 1990 had 100 million children of street in the world, being 40 million in Latin America, of 25 the 30 million in Asia and more 10 million in Africa. It still concluded that the culture of the drugs is very on to the street children, who use drugs as escape of the poverty, illness, pain and of the hunger.
    In Brazil the percentage of the street children who beg to obtain money to buy and to consume drugs is highest, arriving 70% of the minors of the Centers of Detention of Minors of S.Paulo, for example, and in result of the use of drugs the children suffer physical, sexual and social violence, start to live isolated and premade use to the crime, without counting the physical damages that go of the cerebral ones until psychoses for the dependence, passing for the depression, everything this ally the great risk of the contamination for transmissible illnesses as the AIDS and the Hepatitis, for the use of syringes.
    Thus, before the undisputed data of the cited entities, it evidences to ourselves that the problem of the street children is more serious and must deserve special attention of the society and the authorities, or we are warned to continue seeing sad cities scenes of boys and girls of street begging indirectly for drugs.

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