Digital Inclusion


                   Considering the big and quickly technological development, especially when related to communication, with the creation of Internet, the world has needed much more the quickly information in all of the activities sectors, inclusive in relation to the activists participation.


         On the other hand, there still exists a big exclusion to this modern mean of communication, just observing that as surveyed by Nua Internet Surveys, from the 605,6 million that a are connected to internet, Canada, USA, Europe, Asia and Pacific represents 560 million, showing that internet access is limited in big scale to some countries, excluding almost all of the other countries.


         But, considering the importance of this kind of communication, there are some motions for raising the access to information, as also for democratizing it here in Brazil, as for example the Center for Digital Inclusion and Community Education (USP/SP), bringing possibilities of bigger participation of everybody in important questions, as politics, economy, environment etc, bringing digital inclusion to population.


         But, for occurring this, some attitudes are necessary as:

-          raising computer nets, mainly at public schools;

-          raising free general access to internet;

-          estimulating virtual libraries creation;

-          making telecommunication structure better;

-          make public services private, providing competition;

-          creating governamental programs for internet information divulgation;

-          creating public funds for educational internet;

-          developing communitary programs for computer access;

-          providing conditions for making easier defs’ participation, observing specific conditions for each kind of limnitation.

        So, it’s necessary taking care about the subject, even because the information access, especially environmental information is very importyant to the development of programs and projects about environment preservation, where men are included.


        As data from the Digital Exclusion Map, from FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), at April, 10th, 2003, there is a constation that just  8,31 % of Brazilian people is connect to internet, and that the States where are the biggest number of surfers are: 1º São Paulo, 2º Paraná, 3º Rio de Janeiro, 4º Rio Grande do Sul e 5º Distrito Federal. Maranhão  is the State where exists the biggest indices of digital exclusion.






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