O idealizador Antonio Silveira Ribeiro dos SantosAntônio Silveira R. dos Santos

    1. Judge (retired), Brazil.

    2. He has undertaken decades of studies and activities in the areas of: Environmental law, Environmental Education, Human Rights, Urbanism, Ornithology, Natural History etc.

    3. More than 333 published articles (from set/94), with about 1.234 publications (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and Japanese).

    4. - Relation of periodicals (newspapers), magazines and bulletins containing published articles

    Periodicals: Diadema Jornal (Diadema-SP); O Estado de S.Paulo (Estadinho e Suplementos Agrícola e de Turismo-SP); Gazeta Mercantil e Supl. Mercosul (SP); Folha de São Paulo (SP); Correio Braziliense-BZ (Suplemento Direito & Justiça),A Tribuna de Santos (Santos-SP); O Estado do Paraná (PR); O Estado de Minas (MG); A Tribuna (S.Carlos); DCI-Diário do Comércio e Indústria (S.Paulo-SP); Planeta Água(S.Paulo-SP); O Imparcial (Pres.Prudente-SP); Edição Policial (S.Paulo-SP); Jornal Cidade de Rio Claro (R.Claro-SP); A Voz da Serra (Erechim-RS); Jornal de Bragança (Brag.Paulista-SP); JBA-Gr.Jornal.Ronaldo Cortês (S.Paulo-SP); Correio do ABC (S.C.S.-SP); Jornal Paulista (Colônia Japonesa-SP); La Settimana del Fanfulla (Colônia Italiana-SP); A Tribuna Piracicabana (Piracicaba-SP); O Popular (Registro-SP); Jornal Informativo dos Municípios(SP); Rede A. de Jornais de Bairro-Lapa (S.Paulo-SP); Jornal de Jundiaí (SP); Diário Popular(SP); Mundo Escolar (SP); Jornal Verde (SP); Correio do Estado (Campo Grande-MS); Jornal da SOS - Mata Atlântica (SP); A Voz de Ibiúna (SP), A Voz de Ibiúna etc. .

    Spreading and Specialized Magazines and Bulletins: Boletim do Centro de Estudos Ornitológicos (SP); Pesca & Companhia (SP); Infor. ABESC - Assoc. Bras. das Empr. de Serv. de Concretagem (SP);Revista dos Tribunais (SP); Revista ESPM - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (SP); Bol.Inf.Gr.Escoteiro Uirapurú(Diadema-SP); Bol. Comitê Brasileiro do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente - PNUMA; Jornal e Revista do Ministério Público (SP); Jornal do Advogado- OAB/SP; Notícias Forense (SP); A Tribuna do Direito (SP); Tribuna da Magistratura (SP); Bol. da Ass.dos Juízes para a Democracia(SP), Revista de Direito Ambiental- RT (SP), Revista Meio Ambiente Industrial (SP), Revista Panorama da Justiça (SP), Boletim de Direito Municipal NDJ (SP), Boletim de Direito Administrativo NDJ (SP), Boletim da Unilivre-Univ.Livre do Meio Ambiente (PR), Rev.Arca da Aliança(SP), Revista Consulex (Brasília), Bol. Inf.Assoc. Amigos de Sausalito (SP), Boletim da EMBRAPA, Revista do SESC-SP, Revista Educação (SP) etc.

5. Lectures, displays, interviews for radios, televising, visits to entities and Units of Conservation, practical of environmental education and others:
Lectures in Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo; Faculdade Casper Líbero; Faculdade de Direito UNIP; Universidade Santo Amaro- UNISA/SP; Faculdade São Marcos (SP); Universidade Monte Serrat-UNIMONT/Santos; for the pos-graduation in Urbanism-PUC/SP; Sorocaba Court; Stative Schools (1º and 2º Degrees); Particular Schools in seminars, USP Zoology area, Temple ZEN (SP), Rotary Clubs (SP), Masonic Store of São Paulo and Diadema, Ipiranga Museum, Culture Secretary etc.

    6. Visits to National and International Units of Conservation for environmental studies and of ornithology.

    7.Interviews to national and international radios on environmental questions and of environmental law. Interviews for example in CBN (Sorocaba) and Rádio Paulista (LBV).

Serial writing of six films for TV-Educativa de Jundiaí. Writing programs for TV-S.Paulo, channel 21, cable; TV-Bandeirantes (SP).

    8. Prompt and environmental education for young, teachers etc;

    9. Coordination of studies in the area of ornithology and the herpetology (amphibious anure).
Creation of Designs and Programs as: Program of Survey and Conservation of the Biodiversity of Sausalito Quarter (SP); Survey of avifauna of Cantareira (SP); Survey of avifauna of the Experimental Station of Itapetininga (SP) etc.

    10. Creation of the Programa Ambiental: A Última Arca de Noé (Environmental Program: The Last Noah's Ark).

    11. Experiences of field: comments and studies of avifauna and fauna in general directly in nature in some regions, including visits to the units of conservation in Brazil and the exterior as the Nationals: Kruger Parks and of the Cable, in Africa of the South (jan./1975); P. N. Nahuel-Huapi (Argentina), jan/95; Everglades (U.s.a.), jan/1996, and Parks in Costa Rica, jan/97.

   12. Participation in lectures and seminaries on environment subjects and of Environmental law, as palestrant or listener.

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