Convention of the Children Rights
    Instituted in 02,09,90 for the ONU,
    Ratified for 176 countries, also Brazil (1993).
    - to satisfy the basic necessities basic of child,
    - to protect the child of the scanning and cruelty
    - to propitiate the chances to them of being adjusted to the society, integrating it.

    Some of the children recognized rights are:
    - to have name, to be registered and recognized (art.7º);
    - to have liberty of speech (art.13);
    - to have access to the healthful information (art.17);
    - to the full life, healthy and of respect the dignity in relation to the deficient ones (art.23);
    - to the medical health and jobs (art.24, I);
    - to the social insurance (art. 25);
    - to the adequate education (art.28, I).

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