Definition and relevant aspects
    Cerrado is formed by vegetal formations of variable aspects and physiognomy, mainly of small and twisted trees that become covered to an exuberant creeeping plants.
   It is originally around a quarter of Brazilian territory and it is one of the richest ecosystems of the Earth.
    Total Area: 2.100.000 km2
    Human Occupation: 700.000 km2
Its nuclear region with 150 million km2 is situated in the Brazilian Planalto Central, being extended by the States of Goiás, Tocantins, Distrito Federal, part of Minas Gerais and Bahia, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul and part of Maranhão, Piauí and Rondônia (SMA/SP,1997).
    By being unknown, it was very explored, giving place to monocultures of soya, sugar cane and pasture.
    Less than 3% of cerrado is protected by conservation units, making the unprotected part vulnerable.

    Types of cerrado:
    - Cerradão - with exuberant vegetation, composed by high tress and closed wood.
    - Cerrado típico or stricto senso - with more spaced trees and smaller.
    - Campo cerrado - more opened than the last one.
    - Campo sujo - there is about 15% of trees and brush, which generally are concentrated in vegetation "islands" called murundus.
    - Campo limpo - with graminea vegetation

    There is also Ciliar Wood that occurs near the rivers.

    There is an extraordinary biodiversity in the cerrado.

    Besides having being described big number of species that occur in this ecosystem, its flora is not already totally known.
    It is estimated that the vegetal biodiversity of cerrado can come to 10 thousand species.
    Here follows some species that occur in the cerrado:
    Astronium fraxinifolium;
    Styrax ferrugeneus;
    Gochnatia polymorpha;
    Terminalia argentea;
    Rapanea guianensis;
    Cybistax antisyphilitica;
    Tabebuia caraiba;
    Lafoensia pacari;
    Eriotheca pubescens;
    Couepia grandiflora;
    Aspidosperma macrocarpon;
    Eriotheca gracilipes;
    Tabebuia serratifolia;
    Curatella americana;
    Cordia trichotoma;
    Austroplenckia populnea;
    Hexachlamys edulis;
    Xylopia aromatica;
    Caryocar brasiliense;
    Mangonia pubescens
    Fauna in this ecosystem is also very rich.

    Chrysocyon brachyurus;
    Priodontes maximus;
    Felis concolor;
    Mymecophaga tridactyla;
    Ozotocerus bezoarticus etc.

    It is calculated that there are about 66   bird's families in cerrados (Claudia C.da Costa et. all. Fauna do cerrado. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,1981).
    Some species: Rhea americana; Rynchostus rufescens; Crypturelus parvirostris; Cariama cristata; Amazona xanthops; Galbula ruficauda etc.

    Legal protection
   - Lei 4.771/65, art.16 (Forestall Code).
    - Lei 9.605/98 (Environmental Crimes).

    Cerrado Threatened
    There are many factors that are causing cerrado destruction, as the ones that follow:
- Topography that is generally plane, which generally makes easier the mechanization, incentivating its occupation.
- demographic explosion in its region;
- predatory explosion of wood for charcoal;
- real state speculation;
- lack of concrete environmental public politics;
- lack of supervision, mainly in the Units of Conservation;
- lack of people's environmental conscious;
- extensive monoculture;
- indiscriminate use of agrotoxics polluting rivers and lakes;
- general prospect and mineration.
    Cerrado, by its exceptional biodiversity is constituted in one of the most important Brazilian ecosystems, desiring everybody's attention for being preserved in a way that does not prejudice development. So the importances of knowing the elements that form it, for by the usage of environmental education reaching the mainly objective: live big preserved areas for the future generations.
    We must also create specific legislation about cerrado, protecting it in a more efficient way, and creating and developing plans of cerrado preservation.

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