Legal Guardianship

 - Federal constitution, art. 225, caption, § 1º, V, ecologically considers the balanced environment as public easement of people and essential to the healthy quality of life and compels to the Public Power to control the production, the commercialization and the job of techniques, methods and substances that hold risk to life, its quality and to the environment; including itself there the agrotoxics.
- Federal Law nº 6,894, of 16/2/80, regulates the production and commerce of fertilizers, punishments, inoculates, stimulants or biofertilizers, destined to agriculture.
- Federal Law 7,802, of 11/7/89, makes use on the similar use of the agrotóxicos, its components and, imposing rigid rules for its input and use in agriculture.
- Dec. Federal 98,816/90, that regulates and disciplines the handling of plagues and the biological control.
- Law 8,171, of 17/01/91, makes use on the Agricultural Politics, determines to the Public Power to together identify to alternative technologies with institutions of research and agricultural producers (art.17, III), respecting always the preservation of health and environment (art.12, IV).

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